8.19上午场托福写作机经汇总托福综合写作主题:单一流程垃圾分类(single-stream recycling)
1. 不安全问题:垃圾处理中心的工人可能因为废弃物中的玻璃等材料而受伤。
2. 污染问题:由于垃圾混合在一起,可能存在一些不应该混在一起的废弃物,从而造成污染。
3. 高昂的建造成本:建设这样的垃圾处理中心的费用相对较高。
1. 可以为工人提供适当的安全培训,提供防护装备,以及医疗援助。通过培训工人、确保他们遵循程序、穿戴防护服以及提供医疗援助等措施,可以降低工人在处理过程中受伤的风险。
2. 虽然可能存在污染,但由于单一流程垃圾分类使得垃圾分类变得更加便利,家庭更容易参与其中,从而减少了废弃物的总量。这可以通过鼓励家庭参与这个计划,从而减少污染材料的比例。
3. 尽管建设成本高昂,但由于单一流程垃圾分类只需要一辆卡车回收垃圾,相较于传统方法,整体系统成本大幅下降。传统方法需要两辆卡车去回收垃圾,而新的方法只需要一辆,因此操作成本较低。
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Diaz:
In today's context, there's a growing consensus that education should extend beyond high school and college, encompassing lifelong learning. Imagine you're a student engaging with this topic. Your input is sought on which specific field adults should focus on for ongoing education. Given this perspective, the question to you is: Considering the shift towards lifelong education, which field of study do you believe adults should prioritize for their continuous learning journey?
In my opinion, it's important for adults to have the opportunity to take foreign language classes as part of their lifelong education. Learning a new language can open doors to different cultures, enhance communication skills, and boost career prospects. Plus, it's a way to keep our minds active and engaged throughout our lives. So, I believe offering foreign language courses to adults is a valuable way to support their continuous learning journey.
I think art classes should definitely be available to adults as part of lifelong education. Engaging in art allows us to express ourselves, relieve stress, and tap into our creativity. Even if someone didn't have the chance to explore art when they were younger, providing these classes to adults can offer them a way to discover new talents, develop new hobbies, and continue growing personally, no matter their age.
8.19(下午场)托福综合写作+新题型机经汇总综合写作主题:控制velvet trees数量增长的三个解决方案
1、直接移走Velvet trees。因为Velvet trees的树叶颜色很显眼且很大,所以一旦找到小的Velvet trees,直接用手拔掉它即可;那些大的Velvet trees可以被砍掉。
2、找到Velvet trees的天敌。有一种真菌可以感染Velvet trees的树叶,导致树叶掉落。并且这种真菌不会伤害的夏威夷本土的树,所以可能用这样的真菌来消灭Velvet trees。
3、避免Velvet trees的种子沾到人身上传播到其他地方。每年Velvet trees的种子都会撒落在树下,可能会沾到人的鞋子衣服或工具上,跟随人到达新的地区并生根发芽。通过彻底的清除人们身上沾到的种子,可以避免Velvet trees进一步扩张。
1、想要移走Velvet trees是不容易的。当树被移走后,有很多阳光会直射到地面,地面上的种子就有机会不断生长,长出成百上千的新树。这些新长出来的树虽然可以用杀虫剂pesticide消灭,但是从树上掉落的种子可以存活很多年,所以会用很多年才能清除Velvet trees。
3、避免人带着Velvet trees的种子传播到新的地方作用也有限。因为种子也会沾在鸟的身上,鸟飞到其他地区的时候会将种子掉落在新的地区,Velvet trees还是会在新的地方不断生长。
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Diaz:
Do you think it is a good idea for people who already have a full-time job to pursue advanced degree? Why or why not?
In my opinion, given limited time and energy, it is difficult to strike a balance between study and work.
I think the experience obtained through work can be favorable to pursuing further study.
1. 在考古学观察中,人们发现了类似于现代大猩猩可能使用的石器
2. 石器被用来砸开果子或坚果,并且这种行为与现代大猩猩使用的方式相同
3. 工具的使用在人类出现在象牙海岸之前就存在,因此这可能是大猩猩使用工具的证据
1. 石器的大小和重量可能并不是仅适用于大猩猩的。猿人或其他类似的灵长类动物也可能具备适用于使用这些石器的生理结构和智力能力。
2. 古代的猿人可能在其饮食中使用石器来处理各种食物,包括坚果和根茎。根据石器的用途来推测使用者并不总是准确的,因为食物习惯在进化过程中可能会发生变化。
3. 即使古人没有长期在象牙海岸居住,他们可能在不同地区停留、定居或访问过。因此,仅仅因为石器在象牙海岸被发现,并不意味着只有大猩猩可能使用过这些工具。
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Achebe:
As we have been discussed, airplanes emit greenhouse gases and pollute the environment. In order to reduce pollution, the government should impose an additional tax on airplanes and use the tax revenue to develop low-pollution or more environmentally friendly types of transportation. Do you agree? Why?
Imposing additional taxes would encourage passengers to change the types of transportation into more environmentally friendly ones, so this may be helpful to the protection of environment.
I don’ t believe it is a good way, because the additional tax means that the airplane companies would increase the price of the ticket and the plane tickets have already been very high. Other methods should be considered instead of the additional taxes.
8.26(上午场)托福综合写作+新题型机经汇总综合写作主题:Young hatchlings能不能fly and self-sufficient.
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Achebe:
Many companies provide important products and services but at the same time cause environment damages. Some people believe the way to prevent these companies from damaging the environment is for the government to require more penalties from them, such as higher tax and larger fine. Do you think it is a good idea?
A lot of companies make helpful products but hurt the environment too. I think the government should punish them more, like raising their taxes and fines, to stop the damage. Doing that would hold corporations accountable and force them to change in an impactful way. We can have both innovation and sustainability if governments incentivize it properly through penalties.
I disagree that we should penalize corporations more for environmental damage. Many companies are already taking steps to adopt greener practices, and higher taxes or fines could discourage innovation and hurt the economy. Instead of punishing businesses, I believe the government should reward and incentivize sustainable choices through subsidies and tax breaks.
8.26(下午场)托福综合写作+新题型机经汇总综合写作主题:Vampire squid鱿鱼是否吃一种叫做海洋雪marine snow的浮游生物残渣
1. 海洋雪都是在海洋的深处,氧气很少,这种Vampire squid无法生活在这样的地方。
2. 吃海洋雪的话就要求静止不动,这样太容易受到攻击了。
3. Vampire squid和其他 cephalopods有不同diet,都是吃活物的,不吃残渣。
1. Vampire squid本身需要的氧气就少,因此可以生活在海底的深处。
2. Vampire squid本身就是黑色的,因此不容易发现。哪怕他被发现,他身体可以产生亮光,会亮瞎敌人的眼睛。
3. 吃不同的食物也是有优点的,不同relative feed habits可以让vampire squid 不用竞争食物。
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Achebe:
Which subject do you think is the most important to high school students?
Math can be considered as the base for all the others, so I think math is the most significant subject of all.
I think biology is the most important, because it provides us an opportunity to study our body.
1. 与其他木星卫星的圆形轨道不同,泰坦的轨道呈椭圆形。这种椭圆轨道在卫星中不常见,因为通常卫星的轨道应该更接近圆形。这一特点可能意味着泰坦形成的机制与其他卫星不同。
2. 泰坦的南北两极有许多陨石坑,但没有火山活动。这一情况与地球上的现象不同,通常火山活动和陨石坑分布相关。而泰坦的陨石坑主要分布在赤道附近,而赤道地区却没有火山活动。
3. 泰坦上的沙丘方向与风向相反。通常情况下,沙丘的方向会受到风的影响,但在泰坦上却出现了这种不符合预期的现象。
1. 泰坦轨道椭圆性可能是由于多个小的卫星相互碰撞而形成的。这些碰撞会改变轨道的运行轨迹,导致轨道变得椭圆。
2. 泰坦南北两极的凹陷可能是由于水的作用下溶解形成的洞穴。泰坦上存在降雨,特别是两极附近,这些陨石坑多的地方可能被液体溶解,形成凹陷。
3. 泰坦上的沙子很重,一般风吹不动。然而,每年赤道上会有大风暴,可能会移动这些重的沙子,导致沙丘方向与风向不一致。
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Achebe:
Let's explore the concept of retail and its variations. In the world of retail, there's a unique type where a wide array of products are housed under one roof, allowing for wholesale purchases. This brings us to the idea of super stores. On the other end, we have small stores catering to specific needs. Now, considering these options, which one do you think holds more advantages for people? Would the convenience of super stores outweigh the personal touch of small stores?
In my view, small stores outweigh super stores, mainly due to the emphasis on personalized service and repairs. The direct assistance and expertise offered by small stores are invaluable, especially when it comes to electronics or gadgets that might need fixing. While super stores provide convenience, the hands-on support and tailored solutions from small stores align better with my college experience and budget considerations.
In my opinion, super stores hold an edge over small stores due to their wide-ranging product choices, extended hours, and cost-saving options. As a student juggling classes and activities, the convenience of finding everything under one roof and the potential for bulk discounts make superstores a practical choice. While small stores offer a personal touch, the efficiency and budget-friendly nature of super stores align better with my busy college lifestyle.
1. 火山热点理论(Volcanic Hotspot Theory):山脉的形成可能与火山热点有关。在地壳上存在一些热点,当地下岩浆从热点上涌时,形成火山,而地壳的移动可能会导致多个火山聚集,最终形成大型山脉。
2. 大陆板块碰撞理论(Continental Plate Collision Theory):有证据显示,数亿年前,当地壳板块发生碰撞时,可能形成了这座山脉。在大陆板块碰撞的过程中,地壳会被挤压、折叠和抬升,形成山脉的地质构造。
3. 冰川作用导致地壳变薄理论(Ice-Induced Crustal Thinning Theory):在数千万年前,南极附近可能有大规模的冰层覆盖。这些冰层的作用可能导致地壳逐渐磨损和变薄,使得山脉从地壳中崛起。冰层的运动和冰融化可能会对地壳造成压力和侵蚀,从而形成山脉的地形特征。这一理论与Gamburtsev山脉附近的地貌特点相符,因为山脉的形成时间与冰川活动的时间相一致。
1. 通过探测发现离山脉最近的火山距离达到5500公里,远离山脉,与山脉的形成地点相距太远。若山脉形成与火山有关,应该能在山脉周围找到更近的火山活动痕迹,但目前的证据不支持这种观点。因此,火山热点理论难以成为山脉形成的主要解释。
2. 通过研究山脉的地貌,我们可以看出山脉的峰顶尖锐而坚硬,表明山脉的形成相对较新。而大陆板块碰撞通常会导致山脉形成后经过漫长的时间,山脉会逐渐磨损变得平坦,出现年代久远的地貌特征。因此,山脉的形态特点与大陆板块碰撞理论不太符合。
3. 研究发现山脉的地形特征是由流动的水冲刷形成的,而非冰川活动。这意味着山脉形成在水结冰之前,排除了冰川活动对山脉形成的影响。因此,地壳变薄理论在这种情况下并不适用。
托福写作新题型:学术讨论Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor’s question.
In your response, you should
· express and support your personal opinion
· make a contribution to the discussion in your own words
An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You have ten minutes to write.
Doctor Achebe:We've been discussing government budgets and the difficult decisions governments must make regarding the use of public funds. Some services are clearly essential and must be paid for by any government. But what about public funding of the arts? Do you believe that governments should offer financial support to artists-for example, painters, sculptors, musicians, or filmmakers? Why or why not?
Claire: I enjoy art as much as anyone does, but public funds come from taxes, and I don't think taxpayers' hard-earned money should be spent on impractical or inessential items and services. Artists should support themselves by selling their work to private individuals and companies. If they can't find enough buyers, then maybe they should change careers.
Paul: Personally, I think art actually is essential. Lots of public spaces in my hometown just wouldn't be the same without artwork. From statues in public parks to murals painted on the walls of government buildings, my hometown really benefits from funding the artists who created these works. The public spaces are simply more enjoyable for visitors because of the artwork.